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Ekua Esuon Thompson

Tips on Proper Pet Care

Tips on Proper Pet Care 575 324 Ekua Esuon Thompson

Did you just get a new dog or cat and are wondering how you’re going to cater for him or her to be a healthy, sociable, loving companion? Well look no further away. today’s article focuses on some tips on pet care and management


Everyone has a place to lay their head and so do our pets. There is the need to provide a comfortable resting place to protect them from the inclement elements of the weather. Dogs and cats especially like to roam around so there is a need to create a boundary, possibly a fence to keep them inside whilst giving them the opportunity to roam to their hearts desire. Space allocated to the pet needs to be cleaned constantly and kept dry. In light of this, also make provision for where your pet can ease itself and train them at an early stage on the use of the space. A litter box in the case of cats especially could be created filled with sand.


In order for our pets to live longer and have a healthy life, it is important to give them a well-balanced diet. The ration given to a puppy or kitten would not necessarily be the same as an adult pet. Prepared feed comes with all the appropriate nutrients needed for your pet whilst with self-prepared feed, there may be the need to add nutritional supplements since the feed may not have all the required nutrients. Also, we have to be cautious of the ingredients added to the feed as some are harmful to our pets.

Enquiries must be made on the type of feed being given to your pet from the previous owner so that there wouldn’t be a drastic change in the diet. When confused, seek help from the nearest veterinarian. Our pets also need water to live. Supply clean fresh water daily to keep your pet hydrated and healthy.


Grooming is needed, it keeps your pet neat and trim. Comb the fur of your dog, especially those with very long or curly fur. Some would require shaving of the fur to reduce the rate at which the fur gets matted. There is also the need to clip overgrown nails particularly in dogs. Bath your pet with recommended medicated shampoos to protect them from parasites in the environment at least every two to three-weeks. If you have problems grooming your pet, kindly send them to the vet or a grooming centre.


Send your pet to the veterinary hospital regularly for medical check-ups just as is done in humans. The vet will give you all the necessary information on vaccination schedules, deworming, and parasite control. You will have to keep all vaccination and deworming records always. You can settle on whether you want your pet to be neutered and discuss it with your vet. Contact your veterinarian when you notice any form of illness, injury, or abnormality. 


Get your pet exercised. Provide avenues for your pet to train itself. Send them on walks, release them to relax and explore. You can buy toys to engage them and help them keep active. It is a very good way to keep them healthy and avoid obesity.


Most importantly, give attention and love to your pet. They are social animals and need as much love and care to flourish. Constant communication also allows for early detection of anomalies and to plan for early interventions.


POISONING IN PETS (PART TWO) 485 720 Ekua Esuon Thompson

Poisoning is a condition where the normal functioning of the body system is disrupted due to the introduction of a substance or chemical leading to a deteriorating state and finally death. Most cases of poisoning in pets occur in dogs compared to cats as the former almost eat anything and everything. In Poisoning Part one (kindly go through previous articles on the page), we looked at some common signs of poisoning and what to do when one suspected a pet had been poisoned. Today, we will take a closer look at substances that can poison our pets.


Every drug is a potential poison. Drugs are very useful in taking care of various illnesses and discomforts. However, when they are not used as prescribed, there are adverse effects. Some breeds do not tolerate certain drugs so even the least dose can be fatal. These drugs range from ones prescribed for humans to those for veterinary use.


We sometimes feel pity for our pets and stuff them with the foods we eat. Most of these however not only affect their growth but are highly poisonous. Some examples include chocolate, coffee, grapes, raisins, onion, alcohol, avocado, xylitol (sweetener in candy and pastries) and macadamia nuts.


These include everyday chemicals used for cleaning, spraying grass, warding off rodents, etc. Examples include bleach, some fertilizers, kerosene, detergents, herbicides, rodenticides, chemicals containing antifreeze, paint thinners and even some chemicals used in pools.


Some animals as part of their defense mechanism produce poisons and when pets come in contact with them, it can be fatal. Examples include Snakes, Snail, Slugs, Toads and Frogs


Some plants contain substances which are toxic to pets. These could be in the leaf, root, flower, fruit or sometimes the whole plant. Whilst some may produce mild reactions, others can be fatal and should not be taken lightly. Some examples include aloe vera, amaryllis (bulb), angels trumpet, castor bean, daffodil, calla lily, dumb cane /dieffenbachia, elephant grass and morning glory.


  • Keep all chemicals and drugs (ranging from pills to all household chemicals, etc) in cabinets far out of reach by your pet.
  • Always follow guidelines on medications
  • Although some food items are safe for dogs, treats given to pets must be safe
  • When planting around your home, opt for those that will not have reactions with your pet or keep those plants far away from your pet
  • Be observant and as much as possible, keep your pet home especially if you live in areas surrounded by water bodies and thickets
  • When you spray with herbicides, insecticides, you paint, etc, keep your pet away from the area for at least 24 hours
  • Acquire knowledge on anything that can be a potential hazard to your pet.


POISONING IN PETS (PART ONE) 397 357 Ekua Esuon Thompson

Poisoning is a condition where the normal functioning of the body system is disrupted due to the introduction of a substance or chemical leading to a deteriorating state and finally death. The effect of the chemical on the body could be sudden or gradual. Substances that cause poisoning are varied and these can range from organic substances such as plants and animals to inorganic substances such as chemicals used for spraying, painting etc.

Some of the common signs of poisoning include frequent vomiting, excessive salivation or drooling, difficulties in breathing, skin irritations and bleeding without clotting. There are several other presenting signs, however it is based on the type of substance absorbed into the body system.


  • Household and Garden Chemicals
  • Rat Poisons
  • Insecticides
  • Slug/Snail Pellets
  • Ingestion of Tick and Flea Medications (usually spray)
  • Petroleum Products
  • Some Paints (especially those containing lead)
  • Some Plants and Flowers
  • Some Animals
  • Smoke
  • Tear Gas


  • Do not panic, take your pet away from the source of poison if it is known.
  • Immediately take your pet to the veterinary clinic.
  • Take note of the package of the substance if it is a product. You can take the package with you to the vet where possible or take a clear photo of the substance. This will enable the vet to choose the best remedy.


Treatment involves mainly stabilizing your pet, and either removing the poison from the system by neutralizing the substance or inducing its removal from the body.  In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Canine Parvoviral Infection (PARVO)

Canine Parvoviral Infection (PARVO) 416 280 Ekua Esuon Thompson

Ever gone to get a new puppy and it suddenly died? Or realised that your puppy is continually vomiting with diarrhoea? It could be suffering from the disease known as Canine Parvoviral Infection. This disease has become a major distress to breeders and pet owners.

As the name suggests, Parvo is a viral infection. It is one of the most stable viruses in the environment. It is heat stable and can resist cold temperatures very well. The virus is also quite resistant to several disinfectants available and can therefore survive for several months in a contaminated environment. Canine parvovirus targets animals from the Canidae family such as wolves, dogs and coyotes. Among dogs, puppies and unvaccinated adults are most susceptible. 


Transmission can be direct through contact with an infected dog or indirect through contact with objects contaminated usually with faeces of an infected dog. The virus has a preference for rapidly developing cells, so it mostly targets the bone marrow and the walls of the small intestines. It damages the intestinal lining leading to bloody diarrhoea. Once the intestinal lining is damaged, other opportunistic bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause secondary infections.

Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis

Signs of the disease include vomiting, pungent smelling diarrhoea (bloody), loss of appetite, general weakness (lethargy). Diagnosis is based on clinical signs and history. Confirmation of the disease is through laboratory tests such as PCR, ELISA, and Electron Microscopy.

Survival from infection is unpredictable and death is usually due to dehydration or septic shock. There is no particular or specific treatment regime to this disease. Usually, dogs recover after giving supportive care such as replacing lost fluids and treating secondary bacterial infection. It is recommended to feed your pet with bland diets during that period until recovery. Alert your vet when your pet starts showing signs of the disease.

Vaccinate your pet between 5-6 weeks of age. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendation for parvovirus vaccination to protect your pet.

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